You can view your bank balance my typing phrases such as: "Get me the current balance of my savings account " or "what is the balance of my cheque account". Be sure to state the account type.\n\nIf you don't want to state your account type, and view your balance across all account type a phrase such as: "Get my accou
You can open new bank accounts by typing phrases such as: "I want to create a new savings account" or "open a new cheque account". You can only open accounts of types that you do not already have.
You can delete a account you own by typing phrases such as "remove my savings account" or "I want to delete my term deposit account". You can only remove accounts that have $0 in balance.
To view all your accounts and balances type phrases such as: "Get my accounts" or "What accounts do I have".
To transfer money type phrases such as: "I want to transfer money" or "transfer money for me". You can only transfer money between your own accounts that you own. Follow the steps that ContosoBot gives, and when you go type the amount you want transferred please just type a number.
You can check the stock price for a company for typing phrases such as "Get me the stock price of Apple" or "What are the stock prices of Microsoft". You do not have to state the companies ticker-code :) .
You can get the exchange rate by typing phrases such as "How much is the USD in NZD" or "What is the value of NZD in JPY" or simply "NZD in GDP". Please use the currency code.